Just wrapped post-production on an exciting new short film featuring members of the Girl & Chocolate Skateboard crews. In addition to world class skaters tearing up the streets of Los Angeles, “Wet Dream” pays homage to Girl/Chocolate’s long line of iconic skate films, apt given that the sister companies are now celebrating their 20th anniversary (see Vice’s “Epicly Later’d” series).
Having worked on some of those films myself, I can honestly say that director Federico Vitetta’s vision raises the bar for head-scratching special effects. While skate enthusiasts will love the various cameos and easter eggs, “Wet Dream” has an ending that anyone with eyeballs and internet will enjoy.
In just a few weeks you can see the full 17 min short yourself via iTunes. If you can’t wait, grab the newest Thrasher Magazine (on stands now) for a sneak peek and hear about Girl’s Cory Kennedy’s rather unusual day at the office.
No puns were harmed in the writing of this post ; p